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en Path



Circular Economy: Val d'Oca's Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability involves the responsibility of reducing the waste produced and reusing and recycling waste materials. In line with this philosophy, the Val d’Oca Group has implemented a series of actions to ensure the total regeneration of raw materials.

In detail:

  • In the vineyards, the branches are used as amendments.
  • The stalks are sent to the Bioman cogeneration plant for the production of renewable energy.
  • The marc is reused in distillation.
  • Broken glass is recycled through the Rivetro initiative.
  • Cork stoppers are recycled through the initiative of producer Amorim.
  • Plastic packaging is recycled through Aliplast, a company of the Hera Group.
  • Paper and cardboard packaging is recycled thanks to Ceccato Recycling.
  • Wooden packaging, such as pallets, is reused, mainly through the EPAL circuit.
  • The tartrates are given to the Mazzari SpA distillery for the production of tartaric acid.

Thanks to this philosophy of circular economy, Val d’Oca now recovers all the waste produced.

Circular Economy: Val d'Oca's Commitment to Sustainability